Entropy Modulation LLC

Meaning of the Name

Entropy is the measure of the order or disorder of something, and modulation means regulation, adjustment or modification, so Entropy Modulation is regulating chaos or “adding structure to concepts.”

More specifically, entropy is a measure of the order or disorder, or a measure of the uncertainty or randomness, of a system or process. Highly organized or structured systems have low entropy, whereas highly disorganized, chaotic systems have high entropy. In electrical engineering terms, modulation is the filtering, modification and control of data to allow it to be transmitted and then decoded into a more useful and orderly form. The second law of thermodynamics asserts that a process or the state of a system will naturally evolve in the direction of less order, that is, of increasing entropy, meaning that no process is 100% efficient or perfectly reversible – a perpetual motion machine cannot be built; time cannot be reversed; a broken egg cannot un-break; there is no free lunch. While harnessing energy to do useful work, some of the energy will become unusable. Energy input is required to lower the entropy, or reduce the chaos, of a system, but the energy not converted to useful work or useful information increases the entropy of the universe as a whole. Associated with the concept of entropy is uncertainty, a fundamental characteristic of physics and life. Uncertainty compounds with time and the complexity of a process, making the future increasingly less predictable as the time horizon increases.  

A continuous input of energy and information is required to perpetually make high quality business decisions and improve business processes and operations, without which they will degenerate. The choice is to continuously innovate, improve and adapt, or deteriorate. Let Entropy Modulation help you do the former.