Entropy Modulation LLC

Description of the Business and Our Purpose

Entropy Modulation LLC, established in 2012, provides acquisition, financial, strategic and business process enhancement advisory services to private equity investors and owner/entrepreneurs of oilfield service and oil & gas exploration and production companies. In addition, the company seeks its own investment opportunities in the energy industry and is backed by potential investors with specific investment objectives.


Entropy Modulation provides the value-added services typically expected of a high quality CEO or CFO as well as the insights of a trusted board member. A small business owner may be seeking advice on growing his business, making it more scalable or making it more attractive to lenders or private equity firms. Alternatively, a PE firm may be seeking to make its recently acquired portfolio company more professional and sustainable, in which case it will want to support the management team in understanding how and why they are succeeding or failing at capturing and executing jobs, in understanding and monitoring the leading and lagging performances indicators of the business, and in understanding and addressing the key issues and opportunities that enable sustainable growth and create value.

Entropy Modulation is capable of developing or providing the financial and administrative capabilities of a multi-billion dollar company to small firms who cannot afford such an infrastructure. For established operators and large international companies with small U.S. footprints, we can provide supplemental services to enhance acquisition and development programs and to make business processes better, faster and less expensive. 


We want to reduce, or modulate, the entropy of our customers' projects and their financial, administrative, operational and strategic processes to: (1) improve decision making, (2) improve performance, (3) develop scalability, (4) deal with uncertainty, and (5) allow customers to focus on their core activities. We want to help our customers control their futures rather than wish for outcomes, miss opportunities, or fail to adapt to changing circumstances.


Our goal is to provide financial, development and strategic services to help customers maximize investment value and optimize business processes ….In other words, we are “adding structure to concepts."